Friday, July 7, 2017

Welcome back -Rework + INFO

Hey everyone...

I am sad to say that i am very  disappointed about some of ya.... i delete my pretty long welcome back post because i am really really angry now that this even exist... that i plan to get active again... so really really angry!

I did a post where i said that i fear that my best friend could do, that i would pull her down into the darkness and COULD start cutting... not do/did/or what ever... i never said that she did it... never...

So, especially to the one special guy ... why i am making this blog-post -.-
1. Read carefully what i am REALLY writting
2. Don't ask some strange question!
3. No there... there is no space for something like that!
4. Thanks to ya, i fear she is pretty angry about that and i don't know what i should do now.... 'cause i did nothing wrong.
She dont even talk to me right now and i have to say... that i really cried 'cause of that.... she is important!

So please, if anyone talk about anything from this blog... read it twice or more often and make sure thats really that what u read. U can destroy a special releationship....
So yah, she is pretty special for me....

Thanks for understanding... i hope thats the only and last time something like that will happen....

Thats why i will never post any personal things here again. So no one can misunderstand or read the wrong thing....
It will be only for specific topicslike illnesses and what they do and how to stop etc. Or recipes...
Nothing personal again...