Sunday, April 30, 2017

Alexithymia? What's that? An Island?

Hey guys~

Another post? I am annoying... I know ;)
As you know, I only write when I really have a lot on mind. And so this time too.

Today I want to write about the island "Alexithymia". It's a beautiful one. Blue sea, high palms and the perfect nearly white sand beach! You should really go there for you next holidy trip!
Look at the picture isn't this place amazing?
The water is really warm, about 23°C! In the evening you can surf on the waves or just eat a coconut during the sunset. ~

Guys? I am just kidding... Alexithymia is not a island... it's more a illnesss... nee.. that's also not the correct word... is a personality trait. About 10 procent of our population has to deal with this.
So lets talk a bit about  what this "disease" is.


Alexithymia means someone who is "feeling cold", so means cold... unfeeling... is not able to get strong feelings/emotions. For these people it's also really hard to talk about this topic, because they don't really know who the feel... Often they feel empty inside and other people say that they have no heart. In some way thats true. People like this, don't cry during a funeral, they don't feel anything when someone close dies or get bad injured. They just feel nothing.. or not very much...

But how do someone get this illness?

Mostly the first symptoms are noticeable during childhold. A aberration between the child and it's environment.
A normal child learns who to emote. They know what face they have to make if they fear, cry, laugh, etc. and also know what the otherone feels. But some people don't go through this progress and never learned properly who to act/'feel'. This disability influence the whole life, like the job or partner choice, friendships and psychical status.

Someone with Alexithymia (these people we will call "Alexthyme" here) can't really deal with emotional experiences. They think, act and communicate 'factor-oriented'. That's why they are often have many troubles while communicate with other people. For example, your best friend tell you about a scene in a movie, where everyone cried because that was so sad, but you don't feel anything. Or if you watch it with this friend and you just see him crying. But nothing is inside you. No sadness, not even happiness... just nothing.
That's why people with this disorder learn who to act. If they laugh, than often only because they know that they have to do in this situation, but it isn't real. These people are very good actors, 'cause they have to were a mask in public, all the time.
It's also typical for Alexthyme to eliminate feelings. Often they also have psychical problems, but it's a bit hard to treat someone if this person don't know who to feel or don't want to.

In many studies people find out that there are realations between Alexithymia and depressions/eating disorders/drug abuses/and more... Although Alexithymia isn't a official illness, Alexithyme have big troubles in their life. This disorder is a risk factor, if the affected person experience a situation where it's important to know how to deal with feelings. At this point they can easily get depressions or anxiety disorder.

Reasons for this are genetic factors as well as emotional neglect, for example the child have to grow up under a lot of pressure or with a family where showing feelings is a no-go.
But sometimes people use this illness as "safety factor"... Sometimes the affected person have to go through so many negativ experiences, that they automatical starts to get ride of feelings.... Mostly that's the only way to deal with it.

Yeah... Sorry for this long post. I hope you find it interesting and perhaps you know someone who could have this disorder, than be careful! These people are just liars and it's dangerous to trust them. Don't get too close...

Thanks for reading~

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Low Calorie Recipe - Potato Chips


Hey guys~

Today I want to do my first post about the other topic which i decided to write about.
It's about food, because I have to think a lot about that during my 'diet' (you don't know anything about it? Check out my previous posts :D).

I was not sure, what the first post will be. Perhaps about unhealthy foodstuffs or how important it is for your body? In the end I know, I will do a little "How to make" Tutorial, where I show you one of my favourite dishes. Of course its has low cals! Otherwise I couldn't eat it :'D
But enough talking for now ^^ Let's start~


- potatoes (here about 1kg)
- 1-2 onions
- many different herbs
    (like Oregano, parsley, italy herbs
     mix, chilli&pepper)
- pinch of salt
- oil

1. Step

Cut the potatoes in slices, about 3-4 mm thick. 
Then cut the onions into small pieces.


2. Step

Take a baking sheet and spread the potato slices equally on it.
Next you put a little bit oil on them. That's important so they can get a proper gold-brown color at the end.

3. Step

Now add also the other ingredients, like the cutten onions and all herbs you want. At the end a pinch of salt.

If everything is on the baking plate, mix everything very very well.

4. Step

After everything is well mixed, put it into the oven for about 30-45min (it depends how crispy you like your potato chips).

~ 180°C       ~ 350F


It's super easy and fast! Oh, and the flavour is godlike! You should really try this recipe out!
You can also use this as side dishes. I already made it when we had barbecue or a steak.

About the calories:

100g potato           :           77 cals
100g onion            :           40 cals
1 tbsp oil               :           88 cals
It depends who much you use, but if you take about 1kg potatoes, 150g onions and 2 tbsp oil:

100g potato chips    :    ~ 87 cals

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Hey guys~

Sorry I know I didn't make a post the last days. I am very sorry about that, but i had to think about a lot recently...
And I am still thinking about it...
Someone told me that i should forget this person and do something with friends... With my friends...
But what are really friends?
Is someone a friend who talks to you again and again? Or someone who send you text messages?
What's the definition of "friend"?
Of course I have some which i called 'friends'.  But are they really friends or just 'better acquaintances'? How do I know that?
Yeah, there is also someone where I can laugh and have fun, someone who understands how I feel in some way. Is that a true friend than? I guess so...
But where is my motivation to do more with these people? Sometimes it's really funny! But most of the time i prefer to stay at home... in my own room... alone. Behind the closed door i can be myself. No masks. No fake smile. Just the truth... Just the dark clouds above me and my thoughts.
Perhaps you think i am very antisocial person? I guess you wouldn't think that when you meet me. I try my best to be 'normal'. hahaha "Normal" that could be another topic where I talk about this word.. a word where is also again no clear (or correct) definition.
But back to the topic! What are friends?
I still don't know...
But I have to stop writing for now... I don't feel really well right now...
Again many thoughts are going throught my mind... Sorry for that..
Perhaps my next post will longer.. we will see...

Bye for now.
Thanks for checking this post out.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

About my "diet" ;)

Hey guys~

The last post these days were dark enough... So I decided to make a status-update of my "diet".
You know I told ya before that I want to get prettier? I want to lose about 20kg? If you missed it just stream over the post with the title "What happends if you eat under 500kcal daily?". There you can read a bit more about it ;)
So at my last post I told ya that I am eating about 400-500 daily? Yeah.. That changed a bit ^^ now its between 200-300... ok, that was my goal. But now more and more often I am under 200kcal daily! Thats really awesome! I am burning about 300-500kcal daily so that mean I take less input that i burn away! And also my weight is dropping down! Futhermore I reached a milestone under 70kg and I did it! At the moment I am about 69kg and I hope it will continue going down like this...

But there are some disadvantage about eating less. I already mentioned these in the futher post but I want to repeat them. I start freezing more often than a 'normal-eating' human. I also can catch a cold more easier, for example... right now... the last days I was really ill....
Also at the beginning I was soo tired and my concentration was so horrible that even a stone could be more productive than I was... But now after about 20 days(?) I feel so much more energy and I can better concentrate than before. I mean before this diet. So yeah! I love this! Also I feel more motivated to do anything and cant continue my work more easier than weeks ago.
Only one big problem is there... in my plan... Parents...

You can tell your parents that you start to eat healthier and do more sport...for losing weight. But you can't stop eating as long as you life at their place! And that's a really really big problem for me.
For example... if my mum make me a roll with sliced sausages and cheese... that mean you have to eat about 350kcal... for one single roll! Come on! That's more than I want to eat a hole day!!
So how can you still eat less calories and make your parents happy? I don't know... Most of the time I just say "no, thanks I don't eat white bread. I make something else my own" (like a small slice of bread with a nano millimeter of butter) and that's all. But you can't do that the whole time because your mother will notice that you don't just make a diet.... that your real plan is to starve until you reached your weight...
But when you really eat more than you want (should), than I do a extra exercise-session to burn the superfluous colories.

But yeah guys! Focus on your goals and stay strong~
Thanks for reading this post and look forward to see the next one!

All the best
Your  Crylicx

You can check out my online-accounts: (feel free to send my a Message)
Instagram: Crylicxx
Tumblr: Crylicxx
Twitter: Crylicx

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I am cut...

Hey guys~

Another post, I know the last days I really write a lot... But as you know, I use this blog to get free....
Today I don't really have to say much... I just want to show you a lyrics of my current (new) favourite song. Everything else... yeah you can image.... as long as you can read english ^^'

Cut - Plumb

Not a stranger
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore

A fragile frame aged
With misery
And when our eyes meet
I know you see

I do not wanna be afraid
I do not wanna die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut

I may seem crazy
Or painfully shy
And these scars wouldn't be so hidden
If you would just look me in the eye
I feel alone here and cold here
No, I don't want to die
But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside

I do not wanna be afraid
I do not wanna die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I find it when
I am cut
I am not alone
I am not alone

Not a stranger
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore
But I do not wanna be afraid
I do not wanna die inside just to breathe in
I'm tired of feeling so numb
Relief exists I found it when
I was cut

Monday, April 17, 2017


Hey everyone~

Yeah I know the titles of my posts are horrible :'D I am sorry about that... I really should get better at this point^^

Nevertheless, I want to write about pain and you know there are different kinds of pain... Physical and psychical pain. Most of you know the physical one. Perhaps you remember when you was younger and just learned how to ride a bike, than you felt down and hurt your knee? Yeah you know what I mean? Or perhaps you had already an accident? I hope not but everyone had one... I don't mean a car accident! Just something small!
It hurt really much... did you remember? Yeah you do...
But physical pain is the best one! And no I am not a sadist! But when your pain is just physical ... the pain will go away after a short time... sometimes it needs more time... but normally the pain will go away... you can just life as you did before...
...but than there is the psychical one... this one don't just leave you after a period. Its still there... and there is nothing you could do against it... And there is also no salve which you can put on your wound... because there isn't really a wound... okay... that's not true...  there is one! But you cannot see this... or them.. perhaps there are more wounds inside you... and every little new thing will add one.
But one day you will reach the point were you just need physical pain to can life with the psychical one... Than the phyical one is just the only way to freedome... our way out... it's like a drug... at first a little bit of this sweet pain is enough... but than... you need more... much more... it's a bit like a orgasm... every nerve starts to tickel... your adrenaline raise.... as I told ya.. it's like a drug...
So be careful... physical pain is okay... but never get psychical one... that could be your death...

Everyone is just a glass figure. As long as the glass figure is intact the figure can life on with out any problems... But when the glass figure hit the ground very hard, it will crack... And now the whole figure isn't intact anymore and can get cracks easily... every single touch add another crack at the figure... and someday... the whole figure just will break.... splitting in thousands of pieces....

PS: You should hear this song: I really love this one... It's called "Cut" from Plumb. Check it out~

13 Reasons Why

Hey guys~

As you perhaps can guess from the title^^ I just watched Thirteen Reasons Why (in German "Tote Mädchen lügen nicht" which means "Dead Girls don't lie") and I think both titles fit perfectly.
You don't know this serie? Than you should definitly watch it! I know the books before, because .. hmm let me think... about ... 4? 5? years ago I already read it at my previous school. I really loved it because it was so dramatical and real. But I never thought that feelings like she had would also be mine someday. So yeah... Why I am writing about that? At first I will give you a quick overview about this serie. And than I have so many thoughts I would like to share with ya.

Quick Overview:
What is this serie about? It's about a girl which killed herself... Yep I am talking about suicide! But why? Just only a fucking, 'normal' schoollife... Nothing I wouldn't know myself or from others. So yeah.. It's just the hard truth... the real life... And this girl didn't make it... It was to hard for her to stay. She losts friends, other cheat about her, students called her nasty names or just limit her on a body-part (here: She has the greatest ass. So everyone just looked at her as nothing else matters anymore)... Or yeah there were also some really hard parts in it to like raping and so on. But hey! There are so many people outside which gets raped in a way, and I don't only talk about the sexual raping... also touching, kissing and things like that are raping to if someone don't want that.
So yeah... Just a pretty normal schoollife for everyone who isn't in the elite.... for everyoutside out there... Than welcome! It's nearly a story about you.
So if you want more you really should watch it, but I swear it's nothing for "weak nerves". All the bullshit she had to go throw is so damn hard real for many teenies out there and know one cares about them. They are still alone.
But I don't really want to talk about what our society have to change... I just want to write about down what came up to my mind during watching.
The whole series is a 'farewell letter', is that really the correct word for that? Hmm.. I don't like it.
But back to the point... What would you write in your letter if you would decided to go? Would you write one? Will you say sorry to everyone? Or will you just tell everyone the reasons as this girl does?
I also thought about that... And it's not the first time I have to confess... But this time I did it because of a different reason. I really like what Hannah did (hem.. yeah.. that's the name of the girl), but this is only about a "short" time with a real story and structur in it... and not to forget how much work that is. But what if your problems are not just from this short time. What if your collect this bullshit over several years and now you forget what really are the reasons why you feel so?
What if you just know that you are done ... done with everyone... with this world... but there are no reasons left? It's just only this feeling here... and nothing more. Perhaps you don't understand what I am talking about right now ... but if you do... I am sorry for you, because that would mean that you have also think about a lot.... and trust me. Thinking about something just make you sad, mad or angry.... These are the only three options.
Okay... yeah.. I hear you... perhaps you just say "he! that's not true! I often think and I don't feel anything like that?!" ... than you are right... but thinking and thinking... is often not the same.
Of course you can think about what you want to eat the next day... What kind of ice cream you want....
But the "thinking" that I mean, are the endless self-talks with yourself .... in the middle of night... Oh I just looked at the clock. It's 2am here... what a coincidence.... And yes... I often have this self-talks and sometimes they are so extrem that I feel like i have to write something down, so my head won't explode. When I am writing I am a bit kinder... because I don't really can write "hard stuff" down.... It takes a lot of overcoming to write what you think... but after that you feel free... no totally but just for a moment and that's the 'kick' i need. Other people just start cutting to get the 'kick of freedome', other starts to do extreme things, jumping on a train of whatever... and than ... there is me... I just write in the middle of night... hoping that writing my minds down will help me to feel better. Hope that I won't start doing ..... things again ... which I mentioned before. Perhaps it's just my scream out to the world... I am not sure yet... I don't know.... The only thing I definitely know is that I am not okay... and this blog helps me a lot. Perhaps there is noone outside which reads it... But... that don't really care... because this blog isn't the typ to get famous... it's just some yeah... I think help is a good word for that.
Upps... I just saw that this post is already quite long... I hope it was interesting for ya and perhaps understand what I am talking about.... What the serie and think a bit about it^^

Thanks for reading~

Friday, April 14, 2017

Darkness inside you...

Hey guys~

Thanks for checking my post again that really means a lot for me!

Sometimes... the darkness... is killing you...

So many questions are inside you, so many things you are thinking about. Memories, which you wish you can make again... Every fault you made... So many happened and you wish you could change this mistakes what you have done. You could change the story to get a new one... a better one...
But will it really be better? Is this already the better way? What happened if you had did other decisions... everything would be different... okay... perhaps most of it...
My head threatens to explode because of the ton of questions...
What went wrong? Did I failed? Why I am not better?
....Do I deserve him? Can I make him happy? Will he stay with me, although I am so broken... Or will he left me... Should I really inaugurate him with all my problemes... is that a good idea? Or should I lie... I am afraid he will go away...
Than I am all alone... But what if he couldn't stay by me? What if I am to adherent... What if I will mess up again? What if I disappoint him??
There are so many questions, but no answer left for me...
What should I do?
I am afraid to do something wrong...

Thanks for reading my post guys, thanks a lot!
I hope you don't have the same problems/questions, than I have...
And remember: Just Smile! Than there aren't any questions! And the life gets easier ;)

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Hey guys~
How are you? Is everything okay?

Do you know the feeling when you think you are alone? And if you would make a step forward you would fall into a big dark whole, where you can't see the ground. You also know that you wouldn't make this step, but you fear about it. You fear that you could to this single step... not now... but someday...
If you have only some things left which are importent for you... so you don't want to make any mistakes... just a single fault .... and you could lose everything...
Sometimes you feel weak about your thoughts and feelings... but you also hate it if everyone would know that you are so weak... because this person starts to act different... perhaps this person starts to be more careful around you ... or he just starts to get more distance between you both...
Perhaps you see what I want to tell ya? If someone knows who you look like inside... than they are different... they hide their true emotions in front of you... perhaps they think that they could crack you more... I don't know. But they destroy you more acting like that. But you think they know that? Are they acting like that instinctively? I wish I could know what they are thinking... What's going through their minds? Does anyone know that, ....any answers for me...?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

I am fine...

Hey guys~

How are you? Oh you ask how I am? I am fine, thanks!
But that's a lie.. I am not okay... But who cares? They just ask you this question to be polite.. they don't really want to know who you feel.. what happened ...
As long as you smile they think you are okay... But when you drop the mask and show your real face... no one want to see it. Because that would mean that they have to feel with you... ask you... But tehy don't want to know other problems...

Perhaps you wonder why I am talking about this topic?
Because it's true... It sounds like I am a bit depressive? Than you are right... That's not only a phase or imagination of me... nope... it's diagnosed.
And I want to write about it... I hope writing help to escape from the dark inside me...
It began for some years, I started to think about death and cutting. I was really down, but than there was a person who starts to build me up again. That worked for some month... But after a year I started to feel bad again. Why? There is no reason... I don't know... It just started that I was easily to irritate, also I lost my libido... Next I get tired more and more, it doesn't matter how much I sleep... After 6,8,10, or even 14 hours I am still tired and just want to sleep. Sometimes I cry the whole night, often there isn't a single reason... At this time I want to start cutting again.. but I promised to stop.. so I am looking for another way to get ride of the pain inside me... so sometimes I smoke to come down... but this is also don't really the effect which I wish. I am still looking to get ride of this feelings and also the bad thoughts in my head...
I am wondering I there will be someone, who saves me before I destroy myself completely... 

I don't want to get attention with this post... I know there are many people outside which feel the same... Guys, you'r not alone! Stay strong! There will be a better time...
 I hope someone will come and rescue this people, because alone you don't have a chance to stand up again...

Saturday, April 8, 2017

What happends if you eat under 500kcal daily?

Hey guys~

As you can see in my title. Today I will speak about my 'diet'.
It's not because I am really overweight or so. My weight was about 74kg at the beginning (my height 168cm). So yeah it's normal.. i know it would be perfect between 69kg and 55kg.
But the last incidents .... let me think a lot about myself... And so I decided to change a lot in my life, one thing is my weight.
I looked for some diets at the beginning. But my mum isn't really a fan about that... Perhaps you wonder why that's important to me? I am still living at my parents house, because I am a student and can't pay for a flat or something like that.
So that means I had to find a way where I don't really have to precook for the whole week, need extra, special food and so on... and I want to have really fast changes...
Yeah I also know that fast losing weight is really bad because of the "Jojo effect", but I know I handle this at the end.
The only way for me was to reduce my daily kcal. You perhaps know a normal woman need about... 2000-2500kcal/day. If you do a diet you only take 1500kcl to you... that would mean you lose about 0.5kg every 2-3 weeks. But as I already mentioned, I want to lose it as fast as possible!
So I reduced it to 600-700kcl daily at the first week. And the result was good. About 2.5kg in the first week! With the beginning of the second week i reduced it again. Under 500kcal every day. Still yet.
But the weight don't really go done. Perhaps you wonder why? If you eat so less kcal your body starts to go on a "Power-Saving" mode (because you need about 1500kcal so that your body is really good working). That means you start to freeze the whole time, you can catch a cold easier and feel tired the whole time. But when you are in the "Power-Saving" mode, your digestion starts to work slower and much more inefficent.
So how do you still lose weight this fast? Now when I reached the point that my digestion nearly stops, at first I just walked a lot. But also that wasn't the result i hoped for. So I started to train daily.
And now because the weather get's better I also will start running. 3-4 times a week and every day a little workout.
All in all i eat now about 400-500kcal daily and challenge my body everyday to promote my digestion. Now I also hear everytime that I lost a lot of weight which motivate me and also my old trousers starts to fit again. Soon I will need new Shirts because they start to getting to big.
I will write sometimes a update-post so you can see how I feel with that.
My target? Oh... that's a secret ;) But I will fly! And I am sure... I cannot fly with 55kg ^^

Thanks for stop by and reading~
Look forward to read my next post! I think I will be something in this direction too.

All the best
Your Crylicx

PS: You want to follow me? I am also at Instragram where I will inform you if I do a new post here ;)
Check it out~  Instagram-Crylicxx

Main Topics

Hey everyone!

Today I decided my main topics.
I am a new young blogger and I read that everyone should have one or two main topics and no mixed blog...
I will still mix it up, because I like variety... but the other themes won't be so often.
Back to the main topics:
I will write about my 'diet'.. I will tell you more about that in my next posts.
The second main topic will be sonething with feelings/depression.
And another sideway topic is about Food/Cooking/Backing.

I hope u like my decision and stop by sometimes at my blog ;)

Oh and about how often I will blog!
Hmm... when I have much time everyday one or twice a time. But when school is stressing me out, than every second/third I think. But we will see ;)
I try to be very active here, because i like writing ^^'

So now I am really done with this post ^^'
See you next time, thanks for reading and look forward to read my next post ;)

All the best
Your Crylicx

Italy-Trip Short Summary

Good evening everybody~

Thanks for checking my post!
Today I want to tell you something about the trip I made this week. I was with my school in Italy from Sunday night till today (Friday morning).
We traveled by bus... oh guys.. that's horrible... About 70 people in one single bus for 11 hours! Because of this long travel time, we met Sunday night at school to get ready for the trip and traveled over the night, so that we arrived Milan at about 8am. Yep.. that means, we had to sleep in the bus, a nearly impossible task! But how ever we did it ^^
After some hours in Milan (sightseeing), our next stop was Genoa, the city were our hotel was. A really awesome one. Create rooms, awesome breakfast and a supermarket nearby.  Why I mention the supermarket? Because that's the most important shop there! In Italy you cannot drink the water, because it's so unclean und you would get diarrhea if you drink it. So we had to buy a water for next days.

La Spezia

On the second day, we went by boat to a village called 'La Spezia' a pretty small one. On the left you can see a picture i took.


Our next goals were Cinque Terre, Porofino and at leas Camogli, where we also had dinner and saw the sunset, which you can see on the right.

Day three.... This was the most interested one... At first Monaco! At first I was really happy to visit this city.. But in the end... yeah.. I was a bit disappointed... I thought that this city is wonderfull... amazing.. flashing...special!! But ... it wasn't. I was just a normal city like any other.
The second and last target this day was Nice (the city in France where the terror attack was a year ago). Oh god.. yes... I love this place!! So beautiful! Here are two pictures I took while walking around:

Cote d'Azur

And the biggest Highlight for me was the Hard Rock Cafe :D
It was the first time I visited one and i was flashed! Awesome music, nice waiters and awesome food!
Of course I bought myself a Shirt and this one is so awesome, I am really proud of it :DD

Yeah.. we reached the last day... Not really interesting, perhaps because I were there few years ago, with my previous school? I don't know... yeah.. the leaning tower of Pisa is still skew... and Florence is still a city. That was everything I have to tell you so far...
More detail aren't interesting for now. But if you want to know more about anything (perhaps you are planning a trip too?), than you know, you can send me an Email and I will give you a more details and pictures about that.

Thanks for reading ;)
And looking forward to read my next post~

All the best,
Your Crylicx

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Hey everybody!
Thanks for checking out my new blog ;) It's the first time I do something like this and I hope there is anyone who want to read it. ^^
But before I tell you a little bit about me, I just want to excuse my english. It's not really good I know that, so I hope it don't bother you, but there are reasons why I want to do that. At the one hand I want to write this in english to reach more people... I am not sure if someone will read this, when i use my mother-language... the possibility to find only a single person to read it is quit small. At the other hand, as I told you before, my english skills aren't so amazing, so when I write more, my english will improve too.
Oh and it could happend when I am writing that i will use shortforms ^^ But we will see how it's going.

So now, a little bit about me ;)
I am a young lady between 18 and 21. My hair are orange/red (naturally), skin - white (means .. reaaallly reallly white! Nearly like  snow sometimes), eyes are brown-green with blue and some sparkes seems to be golden. As many woman at my age their are many problems... For example with the weight, friends, love and so on...
About these things I will write, but also about other topics for example sport, food, travel... yeah u see? I will write about everything what happend in my life.
Most of the posts will be objectively... but sometimes there are also some very personal topics too ^^' I hope you found something which interests you ;)

Oh yeah before I forget:
- U can also write my an EMail, if you want to talked about some topic or if you want that I write about something or perhaps you just want to chat ;)

I hope there aren't any rude mails then.
So for now I will go ;) Look forward for my next post ;)
See you soon guys~