Hey guys~
As you can see in my title. Today I will speak about my 'diet'.It's not because I am really overweight or so. My weight was about 74kg at the beginning (my height 168cm). So yeah it's normal.. i know it would be perfect between 69kg and 55kg.
But the last incidents .... let me think a lot about myself... And so I decided to change a lot in my life, one thing is my weight.
I looked for some diets at the beginning. But my mum isn't really a fan about that... Perhaps you wonder why that's important to me? I am still living at my parents house, because I am a student and can't pay for a flat or something like that.
So that means I had to find a way where I don't really have to precook for the whole week, need extra, special food and so on... and I want to have really fast changes...
Yeah I also know that fast losing weight is really bad because of the "Jojo effect", but I know I handle this at the end.
The only way for me was to reduce my daily kcal. You perhaps know a normal woman need about... 2000-2500kcal/day. If you do a diet you only take 1500kcl to you... that would mean you lose about 0.5kg every 2-3 weeks. But as I already mentioned, I want to lose it as fast as possible!
So I reduced it to 600-700kcl daily at the first week. And the result was good. About 2.5kg in the first week! With the beginning of the second week i reduced it again. Under 500kcal every day. Still yet.
But the weight don't really go done. Perhaps you wonder why? If you eat so less kcal your body starts to go on a "Power-Saving" mode (because you need about 1500kcal so that your body is really good working). That means you start to freeze the whole time, you can catch a cold easier and feel tired the whole time. But when you are in the "Power-Saving" mode, your digestion starts to work slower and much more inefficent.
So how do you still lose weight this fast? Now when I reached the point that my digestion nearly stops, at first I just walked a lot. But also that wasn't the result i hoped for. So I started to train daily.
And now because the weather get's better I also will start running. 3-4 times a week and every day a little workout.
All in all i eat now about 400-500kcal daily and challenge my body everyday to promote my digestion. Now I also hear everytime that I lost a lot of weight which motivate me and also my old trousers starts to fit again. Soon I will need new Shirts because they start to getting to big.
I will write sometimes a update-post so you can see how I feel with that.
My target? Oh... that's a secret ;) But I will fly! And I am sure... I cannot fly with 55kg ^^
Thanks for stop by and reading~
Look forward to read my next post! I think I will be something in this direction too.
All the best
Your Crylicx
PS: You want to follow me? I am also at Instragram where I will inform you if I do a new post here ;)
Check it out~ Instagram-Crylicxx
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