Wednesday, April 19, 2017

About my "diet" ;)

Hey guys~

The last post these days were dark enough... So I decided to make a status-update of my "diet".
You know I told ya before that I want to get prettier? I want to lose about 20kg? If you missed it just stream over the post with the title "What happends if you eat under 500kcal daily?". There you can read a bit more about it ;)
So at my last post I told ya that I am eating about 400-500 daily? Yeah.. That changed a bit ^^ now its between 200-300... ok, that was my goal. But now more and more often I am under 200kcal daily! Thats really awesome! I am burning about 300-500kcal daily so that mean I take less input that i burn away! And also my weight is dropping down! Futhermore I reached a milestone under 70kg and I did it! At the moment I am about 69kg and I hope it will continue going down like this...

But there are some disadvantage about eating less. I already mentioned these in the futher post but I want to repeat them. I start freezing more often than a 'normal-eating' human. I also can catch a cold more easier, for example... right now... the last days I was really ill....
Also at the beginning I was soo tired and my concentration was so horrible that even a stone could be more productive than I was... But now after about 20 days(?) I feel so much more energy and I can better concentrate than before. I mean before this diet. So yeah! I love this! Also I feel more motivated to do anything and cant continue my work more easier than weeks ago.
Only one big problem is there... in my plan... Parents...

You can tell your parents that you start to eat healthier and do more sport...for losing weight. But you can't stop eating as long as you life at their place! And that's a really really big problem for me.
For example... if my mum make me a roll with sliced sausages and cheese... that mean you have to eat about 350kcal... for one single roll! Come on! That's more than I want to eat a hole day!!
So how can you still eat less calories and make your parents happy? I don't know... Most of the time I just say "no, thanks I don't eat white bread. I make something else my own" (like a small slice of bread with a nano millimeter of butter) and that's all. But you can't do that the whole time because your mother will notice that you don't just make a diet.... that your real plan is to starve until you reached your weight...
But when you really eat more than you want (should), than I do a extra exercise-session to burn the superfluous colories.

But yeah guys! Focus on your goals and stay strong~
Thanks for reading this post and look forward to see the next one!

All the best
Your  Crylicx

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Instagram: Crylicxx
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